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Dee Hawkins
Business Development / Sales
Email: DHawkins@StonewoodProducts.com
My Favorite Stonewood Products
Floor: Oak Bluffs! 
Stone: Phoenician Buff  |  Outdoor Living: Outdoor Showers

If you can believe, you can achieve.”

About Me

At the core of my design philosophy is the belief that great design goes beyond aesthetics; it’s about solving problems, telling stories, and evoking emotions. I believe in open communication, collaboration and attention to detail. Whether it is a small renovation or a large-scale installation, let’s collaborate on your next project and unlock the full potential of great design!

My Design Style and Approach

15 years of experience in the customer service industry, I’ve developed a deep understanding of the importance of building strong relationships. I have a zest for life and a curiosity for the world around me. One of my favorite personal hobbies is traveling around the world to experience different cultures and architectural design.